August of 2020 San Diego Housing market George Lorimer

George Lorimer
Saturday, August 1, 2020
August of 2020 San Diego Housing market George Lorimer

As of August 1, 2020, we have 4400 active homes to sell, and 3900 pending (in escrow) in San Diego. This means we have 1.13 months of inventory. Said another way if we keep selling at this pace we'll run out of homes in 34 days. As you know, new homes are put on the market daily, but the demand is exceeding the supply and pushing up prices.  

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What this really means to you is that there are not enough homes available for buyers. 

This is where you come in. If you've even thought of selling, call me today. Because homeowners are getting record prices for their homes and condos.

When you call me 619-846-1244 you'll learn: 1. for how much your home will sell? 2. how long it will take? 3. how much you'll net after all expenses? 

My proven system has helped 1000+ clients sell their San Diego homes. We are taking special precautions during COVID-19 to keep everyone safe with my Virtual Transaction (click here for a free report)

Call George Lorimer & Start Packing 619-846-1244

Search homes just listed and coming soon in San Diego (Click here) 


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